type of action

英 [taɪp ɒv ˈækʃn] 美 [taɪp əv ˈækʃn]

网络  动作类型



  1. As a REST-compliant API, the Google Buzz API supports the use of regular HTTP verbs to indicate the type of action required.
  2. You can define any type of action, ranging from sending an email to updating a dashboard.
  3. The verb: the type of action being performed ( example: added)
  4. In a complex product such as Domino, a stack trace of the same type of action on two different servers can produce different results.
  5. The only sanctioned way to change the server side state is to use action links& and for a transactional type of request, action links are the best choice.
  6. Specifying a different naming pattern for each type of action makes it easy to see at a glance what the Business Events output is.
  7. Each type of action ( before, for each row, after) can contain multiple conditions and multiple actions, including multiple actions per condition.
  8. For the Business Events actions processing in ESB, support has been added for the pattern where specific processing is defined for each type of action.
  9. This interface has three one-way methods for each type of action defined in the system.
  10. Indicates the type of action required by the user to activate an item, and the feedback given.
  11. Type of action of an element or system
  12. Fighting games like DOA3 and Tekken also can be considered a type of action game, even though their rules are slightly different.
  13. Represents the type of build action that is occurring, such as a build or a deploy action.
  14. An effective way to do this is to make them think about the future and to remind them that the best way to redirect the future is to take some type of action.
  15. Another type of action game are the beat-en-ups, like Dynasty Warriors and Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon.
  16. Later, a receiver gets the message from the mail box and takes some type of action with it.
  17. Don't you see that this type of action destroys us?
  18. The regulating characteristics ( static) of the air cooler are used as the fundamental basis for selecting correctly the type of control action and for proper design and sizing of the controlled valve.
  19. The dimensional factor types to describe personality: type of adaptation and anxiety, type of introversion and extraversion, type of impetuous action and undisturbed intellect, coward and resolute type, which were helpful to investigate deeper personality characters and conduct vocational guidance.
  20. His instructions indicated two basic problems in our Chinese navy's strategy. The first one is that the type of fighting action in battles is defensive, the other one is the scope of the battles is inshore areas.
  21. A New Type of Double Action Dual Chamber Vacuum Booster
  22. On the Evolution of Type of Environmental Action for Public Interests
  23. The author surveyed that the rules and theory of civil law system and common law system about malicious prosecution, and point out that malicious prosecution which is a type of tort action deriving from common law.
  24. Thirdly, the proportional electromagnetism of the change over valve is introduced in terms of principle, type of action and characteristics.
  25. Constructing an ideal type of action is the main issue that many scholars have been exploring.
  26. In order to further study the type of the action, it firstly knows the action as a whole, including the history of the action and the connotation of the action.
  27. Translation is a type of purposeful action.
  28. Use of backward movement ⅲ,ⅳ and mainly on two types of action to the first type of action based ⅲ.
  29. Civil confirmation not tort litigation is a new type of civil action, the reason it new, because it changed the holder of the plaintiff is past, and the accused infringer is suspected of the law.
  30. As technology continues to develop, score rules constantly updated, the balance beam type of action items gradually from simple to complex, from the form of a single variety of development types.